“How amazing to live in a little semi-rural town and have such amazing opportunities to dance on our doorstep. Katye’s class was so inclusive and welcoming and everybody said that it made it far more interesting and exciting to have dancers from all sorts of backgrounds and different body types there. So great to be a middle aged woman who  only discovered that I love to dance as an adult to find that it is not too late to enjoy that – to take the learning seriously but to have fun too. Thanks for bringing such great teachers to the valley and creating something really inspiring and inclusive at Wainsgate.”

Sarah Regan – local resident


email Rob at [email protected] to book

Contact Improvisation classes and jams at Wainsgate usually take place on the last Sunday of the month, but it shifts around a little so check for updates.

The class and jam are welcoming, physical and fun, and are open to all, so come along and try it out.

Classes are led by different experienced teachers from near and far, and offer a way into the jam giving some shared information and focus to move with.

The jam is a space for exploring contact improvisation in a focused space, and is an opportunity to dance with different people.

The session starts at 12 with a two hour class, then there’s a break for 45 minutes, chance to eat something and hang out a bit, and then a couple more hours for jamming.


The next class & jam is on Sunday 28th July 12-5 – Katye Coe will facilitate the class and jam.

Email Rob at [email protected] to book.

Find out more about Contact Improvisation here